Monday, November 15, 2010

"I'm gonna wash them toxins right outta my hair"

Today I woke excited and ready for a new week. It's week 2 of Cleanse, we are starting our much anticipated Philosophy course, and life is good. Speaking of Cleanse, yesterday was T.O.U.G.H. Super tough. (So I just noticed that tough can also be written as to-ugh, or "too ugh", and thats how I felt yesterday: way too ugh. Ugh.) I was eliminating toxins and I was sick sick sick. And the lovely news is that week 2 is gonna be even worse. Thank God for Tina. She is so supportive.
To be honest, Tina's love is the reason I'm working so hard to get Clean. We have a wonderful relationship most of the time, but I have seen how my mood swings, and depression, and physical weakness, and lack of drive and energy have made me less then my best. I want to be better for us. So that we can live "long and prosper".
Did I mention what a Star Trek geek I am? And please enjoy this delightful pic of Obama:


Ok, back on topic. I want to be the best for myself and my children, but mostly for my wife. She deserves the best me she can have. After years of searching, I found Her, and I never ever want to be without her.

Here's a tissue in case you wanna cry along with me about how touched I am that I have Tina.
That's enough. Dry your eyes, please.

Now, the Rivera-Jollys are in the process of removing toxins from ALL areas our lives, and this week we are phasing out unnatural body products and replacing them with their natural counterparts. Makes sense right? I mean why fill our bodies with organic toxin-free foods and then slather toxic gunk on our skin??? So here are a few things we are using now:

Good times.

Ok here's the funny story of the day. Annah and I were in Whole Foods and we were looking at skin brushes (they are used in the shower to "motivate" the toxins to leave the cells. EXCELLENT for removing cellulite. True story.) Well this particular one had a massager on one side and the bristles on the other. So Annah reads the package and sees that there is "no testing on animals". So she turns to me and says "You know, I bet the animals wouldn't mind being tested on with THIS massager". We LOL'd for a while at that one. Silly Annah.
Speaking of silly Annah, we found these yummy bars:Whole grain goodness in a colorful package. What more could we ask for. I TOLD you life was good.

Until next time...

The quote of the day is by Socrates: "An unexamined life is not worth living." May I carefully examine my life. Today and always. 'Cept right now I'm bout to go "examine" this salmon Micah is baking...