Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm working at Gymboree part time and I love it! I get to be around the retail environment (which I love) without the responsibility of running the whole shebang! I get to go to work for three or four hours a coupla times a week, enjoy my customers and coworkers, and come home and cook for my babies and snuggle with my wife. NO STRESS! I am in heaven. At the store I am immersed in color and brightness and sweet sweet little cherub babies who smile and gurgle at me. The six and seven year olds like my sparkly star earings and my Silly Bands have upped my street cred with the eight year olds. I'm cool again. :)

At first I hemmed and hawed about wanting a baby dress in bright pink and lime green matching outfits. My baby is 12 after all, and too big for gymboree. I started to whine to Tina about another baby...then it hit me, I didn't want another baby, I wanted my babies to be babies again. So I decided to pull out all their baby pics and savor the memories, and then say a prayer of gratitude for the amazing kids they are today.

Then I realized that I respond to the color palette of kids clothes, and I decided to bring that joy, that exuberance, that sparkle to our home and how we live our lives! And so birthed Operation Happiness.

More on that tomorrow..

PS Prayers for Jasmine. God, thank you for keeping her in Your Arms.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I heart tiny baby kitties, clothes that comes in size 2T, my wife's breath, saying the word orange, Frida Kahlo prints, Goodwill furniture finds, scary storms, mexican corn dogs, watching annah read, Stargate SG-1 marathons, fudgy brownies, working it all out, abundance, relaxing in comfortable chaos, Petville, discovering a new author, lunches packed in ice chests, affirmations, funny friends, finding your pants now fit, hello kitty bracelets, watching the moon...