Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Operation Vibrant Health

We are going CLEAN!! No, we are not gonna curb our potty mouths, and it's not like we don't shower now and are finally gonna start. Nope, the Rivera-Jollys (or Jollyeras wink wink) are taking our health to a new level. And for us, that means a -drum roll please- THE CLEANSE!

Tina and I have been moving closer and closer to VIBRANT HEALTH in our mental, physical and spiritual lives. We really feel focused on the mental and the spiritual. We are centered and loving and prosperous and gloriously happy, even in the midst of crisis.

Which leaves the physical. Groan. I do believe our innards are clogged with about three pounds of Milk Duds. And am I the only one who notices that my ass looks bigger with every picture that's posted? Our joints hurt, allergies are knocking us off our keister, our clothes fit too tight, and we DONT WANT TO SMOKE anymore. Our moms died from cancer and we don't want to follow their path. We've finally found each other and we want to live together in health for a long long time. After all, we've got to spend our granddaughter Tina-Erika Bieber's money.

Here's a pic of our future son-in-law chucking the deuce at his mom-in-laws.

I think I had that same cardigan in high school. Sigh.

Now back to The Cleanse.

So we've decided to model our cleanse after a book we found called "CLEAN: Remove*Restore*Rejuvenate: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself" by Alejandro Junger M.D

Here's a picture of Dr. J with prison and shortbread cookie guru Martha S, which I'm still not sure ups his cred or not.

Ok, here's what I'm digging about Dr J: he teaches that there are many ways to cleanse and that we should choose a way that works for our lifestyle, our budget and our level of motivation. He's got some great things to say about health, some I knew and some new stuff. That makes me happy.
Basically, it works like this: you eliminate harmful foods and drinks and replenish with helpful foods and drinks. There ya have it folks.

We've been planning this CLEAN for a few weeks. We've stocked the kitchen with pure water, organic fruits and vegetables, agave syrup, greek yogurt, organic
fish and all the other goodies we are going to be using. We've set our intention.
Here's a pic of our pantry:
No just kidding, it's not. It's probably Martha S'...

So the kids have been listening to us talk talk talk about Operation Vibrant Health and they told us they want to CLEAN too, so we've modified the program a little to support their nutritional needs.

Im so excited. I could go on and on. Now, we've been warned that we may get headaches, and be moody while the toxins leave our body, but once we are clean, we will experience health of a whole new level.

I will be using this forum to post our progress and our challanges. Be warned that I may use the word poop. Alot.