Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"My wife made me join a bridge club, I jump off next Tuesday"~Rodney Dangerfield

So I'm wondering if Tuesdays are given the attention they deserve. They are, after all, nestled quietly between the malicious Monday and the ever-so-popular Hump Day Wednesday. And, sure, we've got Fat Tuesday, and the lovely actress Tuesday Weld, and Super Tuesday primaries and Two-fer Tuesday happy hours, but honestly, doesn't Tuesday get ignored too often? No one posts TGIT as their facebook status, and there are no posters of little kitties banging their paws on their desks declaring "I hate Tuesdays". Sure, we've got Tuesdays with Morrie, and the store Tuesday Morning and Gap gives an extra 10 percent off on Tuesdays, but is it enough??

Here's a pic of cute Tuesday Weld:

Here's a pic of Sandra Brown's Fat Tuesday:
Here's a pic of Dr. Phil telling me I'm fat on a Tuesday:
Ok back to topic...I'm so easily distracted.

I am declaring today to be Terrific Tina Tuesday. And no, it's not just an excuse to bake celebratory brownies. An excuse for fresh baked fudgie goodness is never needed. Tina is pretty damn terrific every day, but Tuesday will henceforth be her day. We will make Tina Tacos for dinner and Tina Twinkies for dessert. No not really, we're gonna have veggie burgers, but we will call them Tina Tacos. Yes. That.

Today I was organizing our paperwork, and I found a book of love stuff I made for Tina on Valentines day of 2009. Here's one page I wrote:

Things You've Taught Me:
Being married is good...I am worthy of love...pickles should be bought in big's ok to be scared...tubs are meant to be shared...coparenting is easy...a heating pad, 800mgs of Motrin and your smile can cure any ouchie...I AM worthy of love...joint checking accounts really aren't that scary...things look nice when they are ironed, even better when they are sew a mean Halloween costume...books are better when chosen with love...and there is nothing better than having a lover who is also my best friend.

Happy Terrific Tina Tuesday!!