Monday, October 18, 2010

Down at Frazzle Rock

Woke up frazzled, and outta sorts and completely uncentered. Tina says I was restless in my sleep, and all I remember is chaotic dreams. Ugh. Not a fun way to begin the day, let alone the week.

A few years ago I had a breakdown, and I remember asking my therapist if I'd ever feel better. He looked at me and smiled and said "Oh yes, Erika, think of the depression as a train, right now you feel like you're on the tracks and the train is about to run over you and you can't move. But one day, you will hear the train approaching and you will step back and let it pass."

Today I heard the train, and hell if I was gonna let it run me over. Oh no. So I loaded the babies in the car, and headed to Books A Million for a pumpkin latte and some I.N.S.P.I.R.A.T.I.O.N. We thumbed through glossy coffee table books about post-impressionism, read the first chapter of the new Rick Riordin book (oh, we've been waiting for this one), Annah flipped through Girls Life, Micah read a graphic novel and I read some Louise Hay. A while later I am inspired and energized. Ready to tackle paper revisions and fossil study and quiche making. The train has passed.

I am currently reading The Art of Power by Trich Nhat Hanh and the message I'm getting is to remain centered in the moment, not concerned with the future, nor the past. So Frazzle Rock is now past and I'm completely in THIS moment. Centered. Focused. Alive. This is huge for me, as days of frazzle have in the past turned into weeks of frazzle. Could it be my therapist was right??

Here's what I looked like Before:

And here's the After:

Just kidding, but how cute is Meg Ryan?