Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Terrific Tina Tuesday!!!

For you that are new to the international phenomenon that this blog has become, (heh heh) here's a quick summary of Terrific Tina Tuesday. It's pretty simple. The day is to honor how terrific Tina is. And she IS pretty terrific. And pretty. Plus, who can forget my riveting argument for lonely Tuesday needing something marvelous to celebrate. Put them together and you get Terrific Tina Tuesday.

So to celebrate, I made Tina her very favorite quinoa breakfast dish. I cooked the quinoa last night and let it get cold in the fridge overnight. Quinoa is magic. It's got a nutritional resume that's so good it's actually kinda spooky. I am going to devote a whole post soon to quinoa, its that amazing. Set your DVR, please.

Back to celebratory breakfast: I mix the cold quinoa with almond milk, agave nectar, and a teeny bit of cinnamon. Then I add raisins, or dried cranberries, and walnuts and whatever else yummy we may have on hand. Today I added some granola. Granola fans, you must check out this granola we're using. Its HEAVENly tasting and so full of the stuff we need: spelt, kamut, quinoa, amaranth and almonds.
It does have some cane sugar, so we only use a little bit. The health benefits of the good grains outweigh the trace amount of sugar. I'm learning life is about balance.

P.S. Tina was Terrifically Thankful for her breakfast

I woke up feeling pretty yucky today. I AM PURGING TOXINS LIKE CRAZY. Me no likey. I spent the night either pooping or coughing. Ew. But the exciting thing is that the toxins are LEAVING my body. Because I am part Magyver and part Martha Stewart, I whipped together a homeopathic cough syrup to help expel the toxic phlegm. I let three garlic cloves sit in a solution of honey and whiskey. Then I drank it. It was so gross!!! OMG GROSS. But damn if it didn't WORK. I'm a belieber, um, believer.
Here's a fun pic of M. Stewart and Mr T to make us all giggle:

Tina's off today, so we are taking a much needed day of rest and goofing off.

Funny story: One of the Tiny Baby Kitties chewed through a few pages of the Clean book. Tina says it's cause Tiny Baby Kitty thinks she is what she eats.

Thats all for now. Pip pip, cheerio.